GDPR Compliance Statement

GDPR Compliance Statement for

Last Updated: [20-07-2024]

At, we are committed to ensuring the protection of personal data and privacy of our users in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. This GDPR Compliance Statement provides information on our commitment and the steps we take to comply with the GDPR.

1. Understanding GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) regulation that mandates how an organization must handle personal data. It applies to all organizations, including, that process personal data about individuals in the EU, regardless of where the organization is based.

2. Our Commitment

  • Data Protection and Privacy: We are dedicated to safeguarding personal data and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  • Transparency: We provide clear information about how personal data is collected, used, and shared.
  • User Rights: We respect the rights of our users, including the right to access, correct, delete, and restrict the processing of their personal data.

3. Data Collection and Use

  • Purpose of Data Collection: We collect personal data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes, such as user account management, recipe submissions, and personalized user experience.
  • Consent: We ensure that consent is freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.
  • Data Minimization: We only collect personal data that is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

4. Data Subject Rights

Under the GDPR, EU residents have the following rights:

  • Access to Personal Data: Users can request access to their personal data that we hold.
  • Data Portability: Users have the right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used format.
  • Rectification and Erasure: Users can request the rectification of inaccurate data and the erasure of their personal data.
  • Restriction of Processing and Objection: Users can request the restriction of processing of their data and object to the processing of their data.

5. Data Security

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including encryption, access controls, and secure data processing practices.

6. International Data Transfers

If personal data is transferred outside the EU, we ensure adequate protection and compliance with the GDPR.

7. Changes to this Statement

We may update our GDPR Compliance Statement from time to time. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new statement on our website.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our GDPR compliance, please contact us at [email protected]